The Three Main Components Of A Chilled Water System

8 January 2019
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Chilled water systems have been used throughout many buildings since the middle of the twentieth century when large-scale cooling became a possibility. While similar in many ways to residential air conditioning units, chilled water systems operate on a large scale and through multiple rooms, which allows them to eliminate the duplicated process that would occur with multiple air conditioning units. As a result, you have a system that works in a constant loop, cooling the air throughout the designated building and eliminating this heat.


Chillers can be considered the heart of the chilled water system. It is here where water is cooled through refrigeration, and every other part of the chilled water system leads off of the chiller. Water is chilled and sent out through the chilled water pipes to the individual rooms where coils are located. These coils allow the air in the room to interact with the chilled water, thus cooling it. The water used for cooling, when hot again, is recycled back into the chiller to be chilled again, operating in a continuous loop.

Chilled Water Pipe

If the chiller is considered the heart, then the chilled water pipes must be considered the veins and arteries of the chilled water system. That is where the comparisons stop, however, as you can choose from a multitude of different chilled water pipes that offer a range of different benefits. Pipes can be steel, copper or plastic, and each of these three materials have different benefits. Plastic is generally considered the quietest; however, the two metal ones are often considered more durable, although this is changing with better technology. Consider contacting your local HVAC supplier if you are unhappy with an element of your chilled water pipes and see if there are suitable replacements for your area of concern.

Cooling Tower

Cooling towers are where heat from the chiller is released back into the atmosphere, allowing for the cooling process to begin again. Cooling towers are becoming increasingly challenged by new systems that don't require cooling towers to complete the act of refrigeration. Air-cooled chillers are a particular design that do not need cooling towers and, therefore, can save you money over time, due to money not spent on replacement parts and general maintenance. 

These three components are the essential parts of most chilled water systems, but they can come in many different varieties. Some can sustain buildings tall enough to touch the clouds, and some are better suited for a factory or warehouse. The important thing when getting a chilled water system is identifying what you value, whether it by upfront cost, noise pollution, occupied space or environmental concerns and getting a chilled water system that suits you perfectly.