Compressed Air Treatment Systems - Cleaner air for Your System

12 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog


In the context of air compressors, compressed air treatment is a mechanism of dehumidifying and cleaning air before it enters the air compressor. Normally, this mechanism requires both an air dryer and air filter along with the air filter that is already a component of the air compressor. A well-functioning air treatment system is one that takes out those particles in the air that can have a negative impact on the air compressor through cleaning the air. 

Air treatment systems and their benefits

When one decides to purchase an air compressor or a compressed air system, compressed air treatment is a great method of protecting the overall system. Compressed air means that only treated, clean air is flowing through your system making the entire system function more effectively. In addition to this, a further advantage is that compressed air treatment also gives your system a longer life through the prevention of damage from rust and corrosion that can usually be caused by moisture in the air. 

Clean air is much better for the compressor as it does not contain dirty particles such as dust and debris that over time corrode the machine meaning repair or replacement depending upon the degree of damage. Moreover, a quieter compressor is much better than a noisy one, when treated air circulates through your compressor you can also reduce any noise. 

Parts of an air compression system and contaminants that can damage the system

Normally there are three parts to a compressed air treatment system: drying, filtration and condensate management. Each part is important in order for the compressor to run efficiently. Condensate management is the step where water in the air is prevented from becoming liquid which will then cause damage to the machine. 

Filtration is also a key step where contaminants are removed from the air. The three main contaminants found in air are particulates, aerosols and vapours. These particulates are then removed through inertial impaction, interception and diffusion. These terms may seem complicated, but they simply refer to the three main types of forces that help filter the air in a compressed air treatment system.

As you can see, there are many advantages to such a system. However, it is strongly advised that you speak to a company like MTA Australasia before making any decision. They will then honestly be able to advise you whether a compressed air treatment system is suitable for your needs.