Why You Need PVC Strip Curtains for Your Kindergarten Doors

29 October 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


The PVC strip curtains are often used to create barriers but at the same time help to facilitate free traffic flow. If you are running a kindergarten then you need to consider getting the PVC strip curtains. You have children moving up and about and being messy. To avoid the problems such as banging of doors, hitting each other with the doors, then definitely consider a getting the strip curtains for your doors. Here are some of the reasons why you will need PVC doors:

Facilitates Easy Play Area and Movement

Having the PVC strip curtains in your kindergarten allows the children to freely play. The children while attending their classes can easily move freely indoors and outdoors. Through the free movement, the children can progress at their own pace without being constricted. As part of their development, the children start nurturing a culture of independence and self-decision-making.  When you have the curtains in place you do not worry about the opening, closing or even latching of doors. The children just pass by the curtains and they automatically close behind them. Incidences such as children closing for themselves inside a class or closing for their fellows inside are minimized.

Fast and Easy Installation

If you have to put up a metal door or a wooden door, many professionals will be required. The process will also take relatively long time as compared to setting up of the strip curtains. Be sure that in case of any damage or when in need of replacement, the PVC strip curtains can easily and fast be installed without slowing down the class schedule or workflow. Typically, the installation may take utmost 15 minutes. Further, once you buy the curtains, you will not need a professional to do the installation. You can easily do the installation by yourself.

Ease of Removal

The PVC strip curtains are made using the bullet system making the PVC doors to be safe in an environment where young children are. When dirty, the bullet system allows you to easily remove the strips for cleaning.

Free Air Flow and Temperature Regulation

When you use the strip curtains, you are sure of the free flow of air and temperature regulation. Given that the curtains are made of PVC, most of them have insulation properties allowing proper temperature control within the room. If you were to consider having the wooden doors, it may at times force you to open the doors to allow for airflow especially in instances where temperatures rise.

If you are setting up a kindergarten, consider getting yourself the PVC strip curtains